Nude beach / natural hot springs
Boulder Trail, Longmont, CO 80503, USA
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In the 90's, an informal association of naturists began to establish a clothing-optional beach on the undeveloped north shore of Boulder Reservoir, about a mile across the water from the public recreation amenities on the south shore. Over a decade later, the beach remains lightly and sporadically attended, but naturists seem to have established good relations with park rangers. Nudists who visit often bring temporary signs to post to advise any casual passersby that nudists are present. A line of vegetation along the waterfront provides partial privacy for nude sunbathers. Swimming, however, is prohibited all along the north shore.

GPS: 40.0849, -105.2240

city, county, state, country  Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.

classification  3 (discretion recommended)

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Listed in, category NUDE BEACHES & NATURAL HOT SPRINGS. Uploaded 12 years ago.

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