Nude beach
SS1, 00058 Cerveteri, Province of Rome, Italy
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A long and lightly attended beach extends south from Santa Severa castle, a popular tourist attraction on the south end of Santa Severa. The closest access is by parking at the castle, where a parking fee is required. You can also park toward the south end of town to avoid the fee, which will add a few hundred meters to your walk. Walking south on the beach from the castle (to the left when facing the water), after about 400 meters you'll reach a small archaeological site. Keep walking a few hundred meters farther (or perhaps a little more if there are a lot of textiles around) and you'll be in an area suitable for nudity. Nudists have ample room to spread out, and nudity is possible about as far as you'd care to walk. However, you should avoid being naked at the nature reserve farther south, where nudity is expressly forbidden. If you reach a canal that empties onto the beach about 1.7 kilometers south of the archaeological site, you're getting close to the nature reserve.

GPS: 42.0116, 11.9670

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      Santa Marinella, Roma, Lazio, Italy

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